Monday, November 14, 2005

The SoA Lifecycle Management Framework Poster

This is the first posting of the SoA Lifecycle Management Framework.

The framework consist of 6 aspect areas:

Architecture , contains the SoA Architecture (high level)

Processes, contains the processes of the enterprise

Information, contains the information of the enterprise

Solutions, contains the solutions of the enterprise

Services, contains the services of the enterprise

Infrastructure, contaisn the infrastructure of the enterprise.

And four phases:

Prepare, where you handle things like Context, Requirements/Concepts and Planning

Develop, where you handle things like Design, Implementation and Testing

Deliver, where you handle things like Deployment, Operation and Supervision

Govern, where you handle things like Measurements, Maintenance and Retirement

The information in each cell outlines (gives examples of) issues you need to deal with within that cell.

More to come later



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